1 | 深深扎根于现实中的小说 | A story firmly rooted in reality | |
2 | 实际上,当你还是一个穷人时,你所拥有的惟一真正的资产就是你的头脑,这是我们所控制的最强有力的工具。 | In reality , the only real asset you have is your mind, the most powerful tool we have dominion over. | |
3 | 实际上,赖德在审判中从未为自己作证。 | In reality Ryder never testified at the trial | |
4 | 实际上,他回想起来,他在作出这个决定之前很久早已准备投降了。 | In reality , as he saw now, he had been ready to capitulate long before he had taken the decision | |
5 | 实际上,我觉得他的决定并不明智。 | I don’t think his decision is wise in reality . | |
6 | 实际上,我们对这种绝症的起因一无所知。 | We are, in reality , extremely ignorant of the various causes of this greatest killer disease. | |
7 | 实际上,消磨时间只是时间用以消磨我们的五花八门的又一种办法而已. | In reality killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us. | |
8 | 实际上,消磨时间只是时间用以消磨我们五花八门的方式的又一种方式而已。英国作家西特韦尔 | In reality killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us.--O,S itwell British writer | |
9 | 实际上,用这个两步模式来描述实际的信息交流是过于粗略的。 | In reality , this two-step model is probably much too simple to describe the actual flow of communication | |
10 | 实际上,这种飞机的使用价值和交换价值是相等的,因为飞机是新的,并且售价是交货当日的新货价格。 | In reality , the aircraft had an equal value-in-use and value-in-exchange because it was new and the price was the current new price at the time of delivery. | |
11 | 实际上,整体竞争力的提高会为新加坡带来更多的就业机会。 | In reality , the new arrivals will bring more jobs to the country by raising its general competitiveness. | |
12 | 实际上的梭子是片梭,只是由于具有无梭织机纬纱卷装不在载纬器之内的特点,因此不再将其看成有梭织机。 | In reality , the shuttle is actually a projectile but the distinctive feature of shuttleless looms that the filling package be exterior to the filling carrier, disqualifies the shuttle loom from consideration. | |
13 | 实际上地球不是精确的球形,而有点象一扁椭球。 | In reality the earth is not exactly spherical but rather shaped somewhat like a flattened ellipsoid | |
14 | 实际上还是搞“两个中国”。 | In reality , they are still trying to create ``two Chinas’’. | |
15 | 实际上没有一种方法好于或差于其他的方法;事实上,对每一项评估所遇到的情况,我们要从这些评估方法中选取一个较好的方法。 | In reality no singly approach is better or worse than any other approach; it is the facts and circumstances of each appraisal assignment that makes one approach better than the others. | |
16 | 事实上,你的伴侣就是一个普通的人,像你一样,只是一时忘记了,或者是太累了,或者是走了神。 | In reality , your spouse is simply a person, just like you, who innocently forgot, or was tired or preoccupied | |
17 | 事实上,完全协议价格通常不存在,或者由于一些供应商因各种原因而削价出售,结果使其遭到破坏。 | In reality , complete price agreement often doesn’t exist, or it may be upset by some suppliers deciding to cut their prices for various reasons. | |
18 | 事实上有代表性的高聚物仅仅是由脂肪醛RCHO制得的。 | In reality , readily characterizable high polymers are formed only from aliphatic aldehydes RCHO | |
19 | 他把它放到地上,用手擦了擦额头,回身跑上石级,虽说是去看看有没有人在窥视他,但实际上是因为他觉得快要昏倒了需要呼吸点新鲜空气。 | he placed it on the ground, passed his hand over his brow, and remounted the stairs, alleging to himself, as an excuse, a desire to be assured that no one was watching him, but in reality because he felt that he was about to faint | |
20 | 他们看上去的确很富有,但实际上他们已深陷贷款的陷阱之中。 | They look rich, but in reality they just get deeper in debt on credit. | |
21 | 他们所称赞的书事实上很无趣。 | The Book they said was very good is, in reality , very Boring. | |
22 | 他善诙谐,通文墨,因而自以为是伊壁鸠鲁的信徒,实际上也许只是比戈·勒白朗之流亚。 | He was intelligent, and just sufficiently educated to think himself a disciple of Epicurus,while he was, in reality , only a product of Pigault-Lebrun | |
23 | 他似乎是个万事通。其实他是再愚蠢不过了。 | It seems as if he knew everything, But in reality , he is as stupid as can be. | |
24 | 他所描绘的只是想象,而不是现实。 | What he described exists only in imagination but not in reality . | |
25 | 他小心翼翼地慢步下来,深怕他假装出来的那种意外会真的发生。 | Then he descended with cautious and slow step, for he dreaded lest an accident similar to that he had so adroitly feigned should happen in reality | |
26 | 他要求调职,而他确实也极其神通广大,他调到了凡尔赛。 | mes, so he solicited a change of residence, and, as he was in reality very influential, he was nominated to versailles | |
27 | 他最后的一本书《神秘的陌生人》则是一部讽刺小说,表明生活实际上不过是一场梦。 | "The Mysterious Stranger", his last book, is an allegory that suggests that life is in reality only a dream | |
28 | 我不再因昨日的成绩沾沾自喜,不再为微不足道的成绩目吹自擂。 | Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday’s accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality is too small to even acknowledge | |
29 | 我不再因昨日的成绩沾沾自喜,不再为微不足道的成绩自吹自擂 | Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday’s accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality is too small to even acknowledge. | |
30 | 我没有武装的真理与没有条件的爱在现实生活中是最有发言权的 | I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality |